Mikolaj Sobocinski
I am an academic teacher with 20+ years of experience in education & research. A number of my articles has been published after attending 60+ domestic and international conferences. I organised conference panels, study visits, and various academic and non-academic events. My education interests range from designing and running courses in academic writing, communication and presentations, linguistics, descriptive grammar, phonetics, game design, and gamification. As tutoring becomes a more effective teaching method than lecturing, I have also belonged to a group introducing new technologies and gamification in Polish higher education and as an international consultant. My research interests concentrate around semiotics and pragmatics as I study the influence between space, proxemics, and interactions. I have held a few administrative positions organising conferences, study visits, workshops, coordinating projects, editing and proofreading academic publications, preparing international agreements between universities, consulting as Erasmus coordinator, preparing interactive lessons and educational games. Currently I reside in the Middle East where I develop my teaching and organisation skills.
check my CV below

Dagmara Mathes-Sobocinska
check my CV below
Mikolaj Sobocinski - Curriculum Vitae
Academic Teacher, Tutor, Coordinator, Editor
English, Linguistics, Academic Writing, Games & Gamification
mobile: +965 6516-0446
www: http://ukw.academia.edu/MikolajSobocinski
e-mail: [email protected]
citizen @ Poland, EU
National Insurance Number @ UK
residency @ Kuwait
I am an academic teacher with 20+ years of experience in education & research. A number of my articles has been published after attending 60+ domestic and international conferences.
I organised conference panels, study visits, and various academic and non-academic events.
My education interests range from designing and running courses in academic writing, communication and presentations, linguistics, descriptive grammar, phonetics, game design, and gamification. As tutoring becomes a more effective teaching method than lecturing, I have also belonged to a group introducing new technologies and gamification in Polish higher education and as an international consultant. My research interests concentrate around semiotics and pragmatics as I study the influence between space, proxemics, and interactions. I have held a few administrative positions organising conferences, study visits, workshops, coordinating projects, editing and proofreading academic publications, preparing international agreements between universities, consulting as Erasmus coordinator, preparing interactive lessons and educational games. Currently I reside in the Middle East where I develop my teaching and organisation skills.
Employment History
instructor, tutoring services co-ordinator, Photography Club supervisor
American College of the Middle-East / American University of the Middle East
affiliated with Purdue University
September 2015 – Present, Kuwait
grammar, reading, listening, writing, project management skills, photography club
author, co-author, and editor of educational material, term projects, and blended learning solutions
advisor, translator
Fundacja om, NGO
January 2015 – Present, Toruń, Poland
verification and advisory body member
organiser and co-ordinator; translator, proofreader, editor
Gamedec: Game Studies & Design, Kazimierz Wielki University
2014 – Present, Poland & Kuwait
Global Game Jam
coaching, workshops
Instytut B61
University of Białystok
Exea Smart Space
Toruński Park Technologiczny
Szkoła Podstawowa im. Jana z Ludziska, Ludzisko
August 2014 – present, Toruń, Białystok, and Ludzisko, Poland
Gamification in Education & in Business.
teacher trainer
Kazimierz Wielki University
October 2010 – June 2015, Bydgoszcz, Poland
English for Academic Purposes – Academic Writing Course
Academic Writing & Academic Presentations Course
Academic Conversations Course
academic teacher
Kazimierz Wielki University
October 2007 – August 2015, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Practical Knowledge of English: Conversations, Phonetics, Writing, Academic Writing, Reading
Linguistics, Introduction to Proxemics
Board Games Design, Gamification
Designer of courses and syllabi
Erasmus coordinator; organiser of meetings, conferences, and study visits
academic teacher
Nauczycielskie Kolegium Języków Obcych / Teacher Training College
October 2007 – June 2008, Olsztyn, Poland
Practical Knowledge of English: Speaking & Phonetics
Descriptive Grammar: Phonology, Morphology, and Syntax
translator, editor, proofreader, reviewer
Beyond Humanity: Colonies board game manual
Brass Birmingham & Brass Lancashire board game manuals
SCIREA Journal of Education
Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, Science Publishing Group
Nicolaus Copernicus University Press
Kazimierz Wielki University Press
Folia Oeconomica, Univesrity of Łódź Press
the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Global Game Jam
October 2006 – Present, Toruń, Bydgoszcz, Łódź, Poland; international contract
Translating, proofreading, and co-editing academic texts related to linguistics and geography
Designing and translating journal style-sheet for the Bulletin of Geography
Peer reviewing
translator, interpreter
British Council Poland
October 2006 – 2008, Toruń, Poland
Translating & interpreting during visits of British authors – "Faces and Places" project
academic teacher
Wyższa Szkoła Języków Obcych / Higher School of Languages
October 2005 – June 2007, Świecie, Poland
Practical Knowledge of English: Speaking & Phonetics
Descriptive Grammar: Phonology, Morphologyacademic teacher, part of PhD studies requirements
Nicolaus Copernicus University
October 2003 – June 2008, Toruń, Poland
Practical Knowledge of English: Phonetics
Descriptive Grammar: Phonology, Morphology
teacher of foreign languages
Empik, Foreign Languages School
September 2002 – June 2006, Toruń, Poland
English courses leading to international exams A2-C1 levels
teacher of foreign languages
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Foreign Languages Centre
October 2001 – June 2003, Toruń, Poland
English courses leading to international exams A2-C1 levels
Designing and running courses for special purposes: office English, Archaeology, Economy
Education History
International House Wroclaw (Cambridge University course)
June 2020 – July 2020
DELTA Module 3
Gabe Zichermann @ Udemy
February 2020 – March 2020
Designing Gamification Level 2
International Training Institute (Cambridge University course)
Septmember 2019 – November 2019
DELTA Module 1
Gabe Zichermann @ Udemy
August 2017 – September 2017
Designing Gamification Level 1
March 2016 - May 2016 (8 weeks)
Zostań mistrzem gry! Grywalizacja w edukacji [Become a Game Master! Gamification in Education]
University of Virginia @ Coursera
Jan 2016 - Jan 2016 (4 weeks)
Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management online course authorised by UV and offered through Coursera
Stanford University @ Coursera
Sep 2015 - Nov 2015 (8 weeks)
Writing in the Sciences online course, passed with distinction (certified grade above 90%)
University of Pennsylvania @ Coursera
Feb 2014 - Apr 2014 (10 weeks)
Gamification online course (certified grade 90.9%)
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Oct 2003 – Sep 2008 (5 years)
PhD studies in linguistics (finished)
PhD thesis (in writing)
University of Hull
Oct 1999 – Jun 2000 (1 year)
Erasmus exchange; first half of MA course at Nicholas Copernicus University
Culture Studies, Gender Studies, Film Studies, Academic Writing
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Oct 1996 – Sep 2001 (5 years)
MA in English Language, Cultural Studies
2-year MA course in culture studies
3-year course (BA equivalent) in English language: literature, culture, history, and linguistics
2-year teacher training course
TESOL Kuwait 2016 - Present
member, co-author of presentations, author of publications
Boy Scouts of America 2015 – Present
member, Merit Badge Counsellor, Advancement Chair at Troop 965, Kuwait
Global Game Jam 2014 – Present
local organiser, supervisor, translator, proofreader, editor, author of diversifiers
School Advising Committee Sep 2012 – Sep 2014
advising and fundraising
Polska Akademia Dzieci [Polish Academy of Child] Oct 2010 – Oct 2014
lecturer and local coordinator
International Pragmatics Association Jan 2004 – Present
delivering presentations at conferences, panel organiser
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Gier [Games Research Association of Poland] 2005 - Present
author of talks and presentations
co-author of research, conferences, and study visit
co-author and teacher at Gamedec – Studying and Desiging Games at UKW, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Awards & Achievements
2019: ACM, Kuwait – Presentation Competition finalist
2018: ACM, Kuwait – The Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching and Learning
2016-2018: ACM, Kuwait – supervisor of students winning Academic Fairs
2016: Certificate of Achievement, ACM, Kuwait
2013: Head of the University Award for Organisation Skills, UKW, Bydgoszcz, Poland
2010: Polish young academics scholarship for preparing a panel at IPrA 2010 Conference
1999: The only Polish exchange student admitted at the University of Hull
proofreading & editing; translating, academic writing
tutoring, counselling, supervising
event organising & coordinating, fund raising
gamifying school & academic courses; teaching with the help of games & teaching game design
teaching and teachers’ development, curriculum design
office suites (MS Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Pages, etc.) and educational platforms
project management
English Fluent French Basic
Polish Fluent Russian Basic
Personal Interests
photography, travelling; cultural similarities & differences; perception;
education & innovations; computers and modern technologies; pragmatics, semiotics
games, gamification; motivation of learners and employees
online access: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mikolaj_Sobocinski
Necessary Definitions for Understanding Gamification in Education. A Short Guide for Teachers and Educators. (in review)
I Gamified My Courses, and I Hate That... “Gamification, Serious Games, Simulations, and Immersive Learning Environments in Knowledge Management Initiatives,” World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, volume 14, issue 2/3, pp. 135-142. 2017. ISSN: 2042-5945
online access: https://doi.org/10.1108/WJSTSD-06-2016-0046
Mister, Khalas! A Few Words on Gamification in (Higher) Education. TESOL Kuwait Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 2, OCT 2016
online access: http://www.tesolkuwait.org/uploads/1/7/8/9/17896741/oct_2016_newsletter.pdf
Restless DGBL? Some (Practical) Comments on “Digital Game-Based Learning: Still Restless, After All These Years” by Richard N. Van Eck. 2016
Mochocki , Michał, Mikołaj Sobociński, Adrianna Kuliś, Arkadiusz Tuchalski. Minecraft w Szkole. Wprowadzenie dla nauczycieli. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego. 2016
Punktując grywalizację... Kilka przykładów i wnioski [Points in Gamification. Analysis and Conclusions].
Pakt dla nauki [Academia Pact]. co-author of chapter “Doctoranci” [PhD students]. 62-65. Anna Muszewska, Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spano, Aneta Pieniądz (Eds). ISBN: 978-83-942195-0-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-83-942195-1-2 (E-book)
Michał Mochocki, Mikołaj Sobociński. LMS dla edukacyjnej gamifikacji akademickiej: potrzeby i pomysły. [Learning Management System for higher education gamification: needs and solutions]. E-edukacja w praktyce – wyzwania i bariery. 172-186. Marcin Dąbrowski, Maria Zając (eds.). Fundacja Promocji i Akredytacji Kierunków Ekonomicznych. Warszawa. 2014. ISBN: 978-83-63127-15-2
Grywalizacja. Co i po co używać. [Gamification. What Should We Use? And Why Should We Do It?].
Zgrywalizowana punktacja lekiem na całe zło. Tworzenie kursów, motywowanie studentów, dostosowanie do KRK oraz dopasowanie technologii. [Gamified Grading Shall Save Us from Despair]. Informatyka w Edukacji. Informatyka dla wszystkich od najmłodszych lat. Anna Beata Kwiatkowska, Maciej M. Sysło (eds.). Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2014. 299-320. Print. ISBN: 978-83-231-3251-6
You Wanna Teach? Don't Bother... IATEFL Voices. International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. 2014. 10-11. March-April 2014 Issue 237. Anglia. ISSN 1814-3830
MELTA. Munich English Language Teachers Association. 30-31. Spring 2014 No. 82. Niemcy.
In English Digital.
The British Council magazine for teachers of English in Lusophone countries. Spring 2014. British Council. 20-21. Portugalia. 2014.
Grywalizacja w praktyce: reguły, problemy, zalety i technologia. Wstępna analiza rocznych kursów przeprowadzonych na UKW [Gamification in Practice: rules, problems, advantages, and technology. Introductory analysis of year-long courses counducted at Kazimierz Wielki University.]. Uczyć się będąc połączonym. 125-134. Maciej M. Sysło, Anna B. Kwiatkowska (eds). Nicolaus Copernicus University Press. Toruń. 2013. ISBN: 978-83231-3105-2
Jak czytać prasę na zajęciach? I po co skoro wszystko jest na Internecie... [What's the Point in Reading Press in the Classroom When Everything Is Available On-line?].
10th Conference "IT in Education” 2013
Introduction to Gamifying Courses. Practical Knowledge of English Classes. 2013.
Chciałabym i się boję... Polska edukacja w obliczu nowych technologii (na przykładzie UKW). Część 1. [Polish Higher Education vs Modern Technologies. Part 1]. Edukacja i Dialog. Czasopismo Liderów Edukacji. 05/06 2012 236/237. 20-27. Część 2. [Part 2]. Edukacja i Dialog. Czasopismo Liderów Edukacji. 07/08 2012 238/239. 14-20. Witold Kołodziejczyk, Anna Raczyńska (eds). Edukacja i Dialog Sp. z o.o. Wytowno. 2012.
Republished in: Kierunki humanistyczne i społeczne Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego wobec digitalizacji Studium wybranych inicjatyw. 16-22. Krzysztof Okoński, Karol Gliszczyński (eds.). Katedra Germanistyki Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy. Bydgoszcz. 2015. ISBN 978-83-941748-0-4
co-author of Group Report after study visit Academic Writing Skills, Necessity for Education & Work. 2012.
On Proxemics and Territoriality in Communicative Behaviour of Man - A Communique. Consultant Assembly III: In Search for Innovatory Subjects for Language and Culture Courses. 127-137. Zdzisław Wąsik (ed). Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu. Wrocław. 2010.
Kawa czy herbata? Słów parę o rozbieżnościach w używaniu pojęć związanych z płcią i seksualnością [Tea or Coffee? Musing Over Different Uses of Terms Relating to Sex and Gender.]. Konteksty kultury popularnej: płeć, sztuka, media. 13-29. Maria Wincławska, B. Brodzińska, M. Jeziński (eds). Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek. Warszawa. 2010.
Towards the definition of metropolitan discourse and metropolis in respect of urban semiotics. Transmodernity. Managing Global Communication. Proceedings of the 2nd ROASS Conference. 375-388. Doina Cmeciu, Traian D. Stanciulescu (eds). Alma Mater Publishing House. Bacau, Bulgaria. 2009 .
Urban Environment, Metropolitan Discourse and Verbal Proxemics: Searching for the Meaning in the City. Consultant Assembly for Discussing the Idea of Urban Discourse in Semiotic Terms. 29-38. Zdzisław Wąsik (ed). Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu. Wrocław. 2009.
Alice-in-Wonderland Pragmasemiotics. Global Signs. Proceedings from the ISI Summer Congresses at Imatra in 2003-2006 summer Congresses at Imatra in 2003–2006. 278-285. Eero Tarasti (ed.). Acta Semiotica Fennica XXIX. International Semiotics Institute. Hakapaino. Helsinki. 2008.
Information Chain in Linguistic Theories of Sign and Mediation. How Technology, Human Factor, and Ideology Create Press Pictorial Messages. Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. English Studies XIV. Humanities and Social Sciences vol. 375. 135-163. Uniwersytet Mikołaj Kopernika. Toruń. 2005.
Sexuality. A Selection of not-So SeriouS Semiotic StudieS. 107-116. Umweb Publications. Kassel. 2004.
Conferences & Events (List)
2020. GCC vs Virus Hackathon, Kuwait
2020. Global Game Jam, Kuwait
2019. Teacher Development Talk, ACM, Kuwait
2019. Presentation Competition, ACM, Kuwait
2019. Global Game Jam, Kuwait
2018. Presentation Competition, ACM, Kuwait
2018. Global Game Jam, Kuwait
2017. Presentation Competition, ACM, Kuwait
2017. TESOL, Kuwait
2017. ELLTA, Thailand
2017. Global Game Jam, Kuwait
2016. Hour of Code, Kuwait
2016. TESOL, Kuwait
2015. Edutainment, UW, Poland
2015. Warsaw Expo, Poland
2015. ICT in Language Teaching, EOU, Turkey
2015. Creative Vibes2015. TEDx Bydgoszcz Salon, Poland
2015. III Ogólnopolska Konferencja Dydaktyczna, UG, Poland
2015. Global Game Jam, UKW, Poland
2014. Polska Akademia Dzieci. Bydgoszcz, Poland
2014. The European Small & Medium Enterprises Week, TPT, Poland
2014. Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Gier, UAM, Poland
2014. Zjazd Twórców Gier, Poland
2014. Game Industry Trends 2014, GIT, Poland
2014. Game Industry Trends – Kids 2014, GIT, Poland
2014. 11th Conference "IT in Education", UMK, Poland
2014. Gamification in Education & Training, Study Visit, UKW, Poland
2014. Bydgoski Festival Nauki, UKW, Poland
2014. Gamification Workshop, PB, Poland
2014. II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Dydaktyczna, UG, Poland
2013. Polska Akademia Dzieci. Bydgoszcz and Toruń, Poland
2013. 10th Conference "IT in Education”, UMK, Poland
2013. Game Industry Trends 2013, GIT, Poland
2013. Game-Based Learning, GIT, Poland
2013. Polish Academy of Kids, UKW and UMK, Poland
2013. Open Days at UKW, Poland
2013. Culture and Language Lane, NKJO, Poland
2012. Kierunki humanistyczne, pedagogiczne i społeczne UKW wobec digitalizacji, UKW, Poland
2012. 9th Conference "IT in Education”, UMK, Poland
2012. Academic Writing Skills. Necessity for Education and Work, Study Visit, UKW, Poland
2012. Game Festival, UKW, Poland
2011. 5th ICI Summer Conference, Poland
2011. 8th International Conference "Man-City-Nature", UKW, Poland
2011. Languages in Contact, WSF, Poland
2011. 12th International Pragmatics Conference, University of Manchester, UK
2010. Polska Akademia Dzieci. Bydgoszcz, Poland
2010. In Search for Innovatory Subjects for Language and Culture Courses, Poland
2009. Język a Socjum – funkcjonowanie języka w przestrzeni społecznej II, UMK, Poland
2009. Consultant Assembly for Discussing the Idea of Urban Discourse in Semiotic Terms, Poland
2009. 10th Conference of IASS, Spain
2008. Space-Interaction-Discourse, Aalborg University, Denmark
2007. Miasto Wielu Kultur , UKW, Poland
2007. Język a Socjum, Funkcjonowanie języka w przestrzeni społecznej, UMK, Poland
2007. 10th International Pragmatics Conference, Finland
2006. Toruń IATEFL Poland Division Conference, UMK, Poland
2006. Płeć w życiu publicznym, UMK, Poland
2006. Interdisciplinary Studies on Diversity in Culture and Nature, Germany
2006. 3rd Łódź Symposium, New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, UŁ, Poland
2006. 15th IATEFL Poland Conference, UAM, Poland
2005. The 32nd LACUS Forum. Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States, USA
2005. Kulturoznawcza Funkcja Gier. Gra jako medium, tekst i rytuał, UAM, Poland
2005. 9th international Pragmatics Conference, IPrA, Italy
2005. 14th IATEFL Poland Conference, UMK, Poland
2004. XII Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny, UAM, Poland
2004. The Semiotic Web, ISI, Finland
2001. Cultural Instruments of Manipulation, UMK, Poland
Mikołaj Sobociński
Publications & Conferences
mobile: +48 606-415-901
+956 6516-0446
e-mail: [email protected]
www: ukw.academia.edu/MikolajSobocinski
Master Thesis
Ideology in Images – We Are Being Framed (Analysis of Press Photography, Film Posters, and WW2 Propaganda Posters),
tutor dr Dariusz Pestka, Nicolaus Copernicus University, 2001
Doctoral Thesis (unfinished)
Verbal Proxemics in Metropolitan Discourse (On the Basis of Institutionalised Forms of Visual Language Communication in the City of London)
tutor Prof. dr hab. Zdzisław Wąsik
Doctoral Thesis (in writing)
Games & Gamification in Education. Rules, applications, problems, and examples.
online access: http://ukw.academia.edu/MikolajSobocinski/Papers
I Gamified My Courses, and I Hate That... “Gamification, Serious Games, Simulations, and Immersive Learning Environments in Knowledge Management Initiatives,” World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, volume 14, issue 2/3, pp. 135-142. 2017. ISSN: 2042-5945
online access: https://doi.org/10.1108/WJSTSD-06-2016-0046
Mister, khalas! A Few Words on Gamification in (Higher) Education. TESOL Kuwait Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 2, OCT 2016
online access: http://www.tesolkuwait.org/uploads/1/7/8/9/17896741/oct_2016_newsletter.pdf
Restless DGBL? Some (Practical) Comments on Digital Game-Based Learning: Still Restless, After All These Years by Richard N. Van Eck
Minecraft w Szkole. Wprowadzenie dla nauczycieli. Authors: Michał Mochocki, Mikołaj Sobociński, Adrianna Kuliś, Arkadiusz Tuchalski. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego. 2016
Anna Muszewska, Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spano, Aneta Pieniądz (Eds). Pakt dla nauki [Academia Pact]. Co-author of chapter “Doctoranci” [PhD students]. 62-65. ISBN: 978-83-942195-0-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-83-942195-1-2 (E-book). Warsaw. 2015
Michał Mochocki, Mikołaj Sobociński. LMS dla edukacyjnej gamifikacji akademickiej: potrzeby i pomysły. [Learning Management System for higher education gamification: needs and solutions]. E-edukacja w praktyce – wyzwania i bariery. 172-186. Marcin Dąbrowski, Maria Zając (eds.). Fundacja Promocji i Akredytacji Kierunków Ekonomicznych. Warszawa. 2014. ISBN: 978-83-63127-15-2
Zgrywalizowana punktacja lekiem na całe zło. Tworzenie kursów, motywowanie studentów, dostosowanie do KRK oraz dopasowanie technologii. [Gamified Grading Shall Save Us from Despair]. Informatyka w Edukacji. Informatyka dla wszystkich od najmłodszych lat. Eds. Anna Beata Kwiatkowska, Maciej M. Sysło. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2014. 299-320. Print. ISBN: 978-83-231-3251-6
You Wanna Teach? Don't Bother... IATEFL Voices. International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. 2014. 10-11. March-April 2014 Issue 237. Anglia. ISSN 1814-3830
MELTA. Munich English Language Teachers Association. 30-31. Spring 2014 No. 82. Niemcy.
In English Digital.
The British Council magazine for teachers of English in Lusophone countries. Spring 2014. British Council. 20-21. Portugalia. 2014.
Grywalizacja w praktyce: reguły, problemy, zalety i technologia. Wstępna analiza rocznych kursów przeprowadzonych na UKW. PEŁNA WERSJA [Gamification in Practice: rules, problems, advantages, and technology. Introductory analysis of year-long courses counducted at Kazimierz Wielki University. FULL VERSION]. 2013
Grywalizacja w praktyce: reguły, problemy, zalety i technologia. Wstępna analiza rocznych kursów przeprowadzonych na UKW [Gamification in Practice: rules, problems, advantages, and technology. Introductory analysis of year-long courses counducted at Kazimierz Wielki University.]. Uczyć się będąc połączonym. 125-134. Maciej M. Sysło, Anna B. Kwiatkowska (ed). Nicolaus Copernicus University Press. Toruń. 2013. ISBN: 978-83231-3105-2
Introduction to Gamifying Courses. Practical Knowledge of English Classes. 2013
Chciałabym i się boję... Polska edukacja w obliczu nowych technologii (na przykładzie UKW). Część 1. [Polish Higher Education vs Modern Technologies. Part 1.]. Edukacja i Dialog. Czasopismo Liderów Edukacji. 05/06 2012 236/237. 20-27. Witold Kołodziejczyk, Anna Raczyńska (eds). Edukacja i Dialog Sp. z o.o. Wytowno. 2012.
Chciałabym i się boję... Polska edukacja w obliczu nowych technologii (na przykładzie UKW). Część 2 [Polish Higher Education vs Modern Technologies. Part 2.]. Edukacja i Dialog. Czasopismo Liderów Edukacji. 07/08 2012 238/239. 14-20. Witold Kołodziejczyk, Anna Raczyńska (eds). Edukacja i Dialog Sp. z o.o. Wytowno. 2012.
"Group Report" after the study visit "Academic Writing Skills, Necessity for Education & Work". 2012
On Proxemics and Territoriality in Communicative Behaviour of Man - A Communique. Consultant Assembly III: In Search for Innovatory Subjects for Language and Culture Courses. 127-137. Zdzisław Wąsik (ed). Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu. Wrocław. 2010. ISBN: 978-83-60097-03-8
Kawa czy herbata? Słów parę o rozbieżnościach w używaniu pojęć związanych z płcią i seksualnością [Tea or Coffee? Musing Over Different Uses of Terms Relating to Sex and Gender.]. Konteksty kultury popularnej: płeć, sztuka, media. 13-29. Maria Wincławska, B. Brodzińska, M. Jeziński (edytorzy). Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek. Warszawa. 2010. ISBN: 978-83-7611-498-9.
Towards the definition of metropolitan discourse and metropolis in respect of urban semiotics. Transmodernity. Managing Global Communication. Proceedings of the 2nd ROASS Conference. 375-388. Doina Cmeciu, Traian D. Stanciulescu (eds). Alma Mater Publishing House. Bacau, Bulgaria 2009. ISSN: 1842-6409. ISSN: 2065-3204.
Urban Environment, Metropolitan Discourse and Verbal Proxemics: Searching for the Meaning in the City. Consultant Assembly for Discussing the Idea of Urban Discourse in Semiotic Terms. 29-38. Zdzisław Wąsik (eds). Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu. Wrocław. 2009. ISBN: 978-83-60097-02-1.
Alice-in-Wonderland Pragmasemiotics. Global Signs. Proceedings from the ISI Summer Congresses at Imatra in 2003-2006 summer Congresses at Imatra in 2003–2006. 278-285. Eero Tarasti (ed). Acta Semiotica Fennica XXIX. International Semiotics Institute. Hakapaino. Helsinki. 2008. ISSN: 1235-497X Acta Semiotica Fennica XXIX. ISBN: 978-952-5431-21-6.
Information Chain in Linguistic Theories of Sign and Mediation. How Technology, Human Factor, and Ideology Create Press Pictorial Messages. Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. English Studies XIV. Humanities and Social Sciences vol. 375. 135-163. Uniwersytet Mikołaj Kopernika. Toruń. 2005. PL ISSN: 0860-1232. PL ISSN: 0860-7265.
Sexuality. Semiotics from S to S. W A Selection of not-So SeriouS Semiotic StudieS. 107-116. Umweb Publications. Kassel. 2004. ISSN: 1795-1860. ISBN: 952-5576-00-0.
online access: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mikolaj_Sobocinski
Gwiezdne Wojny – Inwentaryzacja. [Star Wars - Stocktaking]. Leksykon Gier. (awaiting review)
Necessary Definitions for Understanding Gamification in Education. A Short Guide for Teachers and Educators. (in review). 2019
Teacher Development Talks (Newsletter). Issue 03. April 2018. Teaching Reading Skills. Foundation Department, American College of the Middle East
Teacher Development Talks (Newsletter). Issue 02. April 2018. Lesson Planning. Foundation Department, American College of the Middle East
Teacher Development Talks (Newsletter). Issue 01. March 2018. Classroom Management. Foundation Department, American College of the Middle East
Punktując grywalizację... Kilka przykładów i wnioski [Points in Gamification. Analysis and Conclusions]. 2015
Grywalizacja. Co i po co używać. [Gamification. What Should We Use? And Why Should We Do It?].
Jak czytać prasę na zajęciach? I po co skoro wszystko jest na Internecie... [What's the Point in Reading Press in the Classroom When Everything Is Available On-line?].
IX Konferencja „Informatyka w Edukacji” 2013 (in print)
Językowy obraz miasta. Czy miasto może coś o sobie opowiedzieć? Czy z miastem można porozmawiać? [Can Cities Talk? Analysis of Urban Signs.]. “Miasto wielu kultur”.
WSHE (in review)
Po trzykroć Gothic! (Gothic I, Gothic II i dodatek do Gothic II pt. Noc Kruka) Czyli słów kilka o kosmologicznym rozpasaniu [Gothic RPG Games. Cosmological Errors.].
online access: http://ukw.academia.edu/MikolajSobocinski/Talks
2020. GCC vs Virus Hackathon, Kuwait & GCC countries
member of Team 5 with Ghalia Sewaiseh
#PLOT (Photography-Love-Openness-Today)
2020. Global Game Jam, worldwide
member of team of translators: keynote, manuals, guidelines, templates, and diversifiers
game jam participant in Kuwait
2019, American College of the Middle East, Kuwait
Teacher Development Talks (TDT): From ICQ to CCQ. From Mayhem to Madness.
2019. American College of the Middle East, Kuwait
talk with Hany Diab and Nela Koncurat: Synergy is the New Black
2019. Global Game Jam, worldwide
member of team of translators: keynote, manuals, guidelines, templates, and diversifiers
author of diversifiers; game jam participant in Kuwait
2018. American College of the Middle East, Kuwait
Pump No 6
2018. Global Game Jam, worldwide
member of team of translators: keynote, manuals, guidelines, templates, and diversifiers
game jam participant in Kuwait
2018. American College of the Middle East, Kuwait
The Power of the Narrative
2017. TESOL, Kuwait
talk with Dagmara Mathes-Sobocińska: Around the Classroom in 80 Minutes. co-author
2017. ELLTA, Bangkok, Thailand
talk: Benefits of Gamified Courses -- It's a Long Story…
2017. Global Game Jam, worldwide
member of team of translators: keynote, manuals, guidelines, templates, and diversifiers
game jam participant in Kuwait
2016. Hour of Code, Kuwait
2016. TESOL, Kuwait
talk with Dagmara Mathes-Sobocińska: How to Create Gamified Courses? Gamification, Games, Practical Hints. co-author
2016. TESOL, Kuwait
talk with Dagmara Mathes-Sobocińska: Fun or Fiction? Games & Gamification in Education. co-author
2015. Edutainment, UW, Poland
workshop: Gamification of Education
talk: Minecraft – Promotion of Education
co-author and co-presenter: Michał Mochocki
2015. Warsaw Expo “Education and Fun.” Warsaw, Poland
Gamedec.UKW booth
2015. ICT in Language Teaching, EOU, Turkey
workshop: Gamification
co-author and co-presenter: Michał Mochocki
2015. Creative Vibes
workshop: proGRAmowanie efektywności
talk: W poszukiwaniu akademickiej kreatywności
2015. TEDx Bydgoszcz Salon, Poland
Grywalizacja to [r]ewolucja, czy tylko kolejny MIT?
2015. III Ogólnopolska Konferencja Dydaktyczna, UG, Poland
Jak budować fabułę dla zgrywalizowanych kursów?
2015. Global Game Jam 2015 Site. Kazimierz Wielki University. Bydgoszcz, Poland
co-organiser & co-ordinator
2014. Politechnika Białostocka. Białystok, Poland
Świat na rozdrożach. Dlaczego humanistyka zmienia świat, a matematyka zmienia humanistykę.
2014. Podlaskie Forum Nauczycieli Matematyki i Informatyki. Białystok, Poland
talk: Motywacja i zaangażowanie -- mechanizmy wspomagające naukę
workshop: Mechanika gier w edukacji. Projektowania zaangażowania
2014. Szkoła podstawowa im. Jana z Ludziska w Ludzisku, Poland
workshop: Grywalizacja. Powrót do podstaw edukacji.
2014. Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Gier. Poznań, Poland
Grywalizacja – co i po co używać.
2014. Zjazd Twórców Gier. Poznań, Poland
Grywalizacja w edukacji! W praktyce!
co-author: Michał Mochocki
2014. University of Oslo. Oslo, Norway
Gamification – Talk to the Hand!
2014. The European Small & Medium Enterprises Week. Exea Smart Space. Toruń, Poland
workshop: Grywalizacja w biznesie – to możliwe.
2014. Start-up Events. Exea Smart Space. Toruń, Poland
workshop: Wprowadzenie do grywalizacji. Nie tylko edukacja.
2014. Game Industry Trends – Kids 2014. Warszawa, Poland
Gamedec.UKW – pierwsza krew drugiej generacji.
co-author: Michał Mochocki
2014. Game Industry Trends – Kids 2014. Warszawa, Poland
Wybiórcze spojrzenie na zgrywalizowaną szkołę tu i tam.
co-author: Michał Mochocki
2014. 11th Conference "IT in Education". Nicolaus Copernicus University. Toruń, Poland
workshop: Zgrywalizowana punktacja lekiem na całe zło...
talk: Zgrywalizowana punktacja lekiem na całe zło...
talk: Humanities & IT today
2014. Gamification in Education & Training. Improving Outcomes, Motivation & Autonomy. Study Visit, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego. Bydgoszcz, Poland
organiser and moderator
talk: Polish system of education and its reforms.
talk: Modern Technologies & Gamification in Polish Education.
workshop: Gamification of higher-ed courses
2013. 10th Conference „Informatyka w Edukacji”. Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne, Oddział Kujawsko-Pomorski. Kuratorium Oświaty w Bydgoszczy. Nicolaus Copernicus University. Toruń, Poland
talk: Grywalizacja w praktyce. Reguły, problemy, zalety i technologie...
workshop: Grywalizacja w praktyce. Kurs wprowadzający.
2013. Game-Based Learning. NoNoobs.pl. Warszawa, Poland
Grywalizacja?!? OMG! Proszę, nie...
2013. Game Industry Trends 2013. NoNoobs.pl. Warszawa, Poland
Higher-Ed Gamification na UKW w Bydgoszczy
2013. Drzwi Otwarte. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego. Bydgoszcz, Poland
Dźwięków języka się nie tyka. Czyli to i owo o nauce języka angielskiego: fonetyka i dialekty.
2013. Culture and Language Lane. Nauczycielskie Kolegium Języków Obcych w Radomiu. Radom, Poland
Gamification Deconstructed.
2012. Kierunki humanistyczne, pedagogiczne i społeczne UKW wobec digitalizacji: narzędzia – dydaktyka – kompetencje absolwenta – cyfryzacja obiektów. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Chciałabym i się boję... Polska edukacja w obliczu nowych technologii.
2012. IX Konferencja „Informatyka w Edukacji”. Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne, Oddział Kujawsko-Pomorski. Kuratorium Oświaty w Bydgoszczy. Nicolaus Coperniucs University. Toruń, Poland
Jak czytać prasę na zajęciach? I po co skoro wszystko jest na Internecie...
2012. Academic Writing Skills. Necessity for Education and Work. Study Visit, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego. Bydgoszcz, Poland
organiser and moderator
talk: Polish system of education and its reforms.
2012. „Game Festival 2012.” Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Gier. Koło Bydgoskie. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego. Bydgoszcz, Poland.
Granie lub czytanie? Wybór należy do Ciebie.
2011. VIII Międzynarodową Konferencję „Człowiek-Miasto-Przyroda” – nowe procesy i struktury. Nicolaus Copernicus University. Toruń, Poland.
Functions or Furniture? Two Approaches to Defining Cities in Semiotic Terms.
2011. Languages in Contact. Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna we Wrocławiu. Wrocław, Poland.
The Primacy of Place. Discussing a Model of Communication in Urban Environment.
2011. International Pragmatics Conference. International Pragmatics Association. Manchester, UK.
The Silent Language. Analysis of Pictorial & Linguistic Signs in the Transformation of Urban Space into Habitable Place.
panel organiser and moderator: Ethnicity, Communication, and Discourse: in Memory of the Late Ronald Scollon.
2010. Consultant Assembly III: In Search for Innovatory Subjects for Language and Culture Courses. Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna we Wrocławiu. Jelenia Góra, Poland.
Proxemics and Territoriality in Communicative Behaviour of Man.
2009. Język a Socjum – funkcjonowanie języka w przestrzeni społecznej II. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika. Toruń, Poland.
Mnogie przestrzenie – jednolite interakcje? Wpływ nowych technologii na postrzeganie przestrzeni oraz na komunikację w i o przestrzeni.
2009. Consultant Assembly for Discussing the Idea of Urban Discourse in Semiotic Terms. Komitet Nauk Filologicznych PAN, Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna we Wrocławiu. Wrocław, Poland.
Urban Environment, Metropolitan Discourse and Verbal Proxemics: Searching for the Meaning in the City.
2009. Communication of culture – Culture of communication. 10th conference of the IASS & 13th Congress of the SafS. International Association for Semiotic Studies, Spanish Association for Semiotics. La Coruña, Spain.
Verbal Proxemics. A way to bridge urban semiotics and discourse analysis.
2008. Space-Interaction-Discourse . PlaceME Nordic Research Network and Department of Language and Culture, Aalborg University. Aalborg, Denmark.
Verbal Proxemics. 'Discourses in Place' put to practice.
2007. Miasto Wielu Kultur. WSHE w Łodzi, Wydział Zamiejscowy w Bydgoszczy, Katedra Wiedzy o Kulturze. Bydgoszcz, Poland.
Językowy obraz miasta. Czy z miastem można porozmawiać? Czy miasto może coś o sobie powiedzieć?
2007. Język a Socjum, Funkcjonowanie języka w przestrzeni społecznej. Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej, Nicolaus Copernicus University. Toruń, Poland.
Język a socjum – język w przestrzeni, czy przestrzeń w języku?
2007. 10th International Pragmatics Conference. International Pragmatics Association. Göteborg, Sweden.
Alice-in-Wonderland Pragma-semiotics: Verbal Proxemics in Metropolitan Discourse.
2006. Toruń IATEFL Poland Division Conference. International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus University. Toruń, Poland.
Surely, You Don't Mean Linguistics!? Not Again!
2006. Płeć w życiu publicznym. Instytut Politologii, Koło Naukowe Studentów Politologii, Nicolaus Copernicus University. Toruń, Poland.
Cóż to ta płeć? I jak o niej mówić?
2006. International Congress for Interdisciplinary Studies on Diversity in Culture and Nature with Special Focus on Semiotics. Faculty for Cultural Studies, University of Dortmund. Dortmund, Germany.
12 Feet. Space for Diversity
2006. 3rd Łódź Symposium, New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics. Katedra Języka Angielskiego, Uniwersytet Łódzki. Łódź, Poland.
Alice-in-Wonderland Pragmasemiotics. Verbal Proxemics or Urban Semiotics?
2006. 15th IATEFL Poland Conference. International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language Poland, Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza. Poznań, Poland.
I Teach English. But Do I Know English?
2005. The 32nd LACUS Forum. Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States, Dortmund University. Hanover, NH, USA.
A Street Facade – A Net Which Works. An Analysis of Distances Created by Store Entrance Notices
2005. Kulturoznawcza Funkcja Gier. Gra jako medium, tekst i rytuał. Katedra Glottodydaktyki, Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza,Towarzystwo Badania Gier. Poznań, Poland.
Po trzykroć Gothic! czyli słów kilka o kosmologicznym rozpasaniu.
2005. 9th International Pragmatics Conference. International Pragmatics Association. Riva del Garda, Italy.
A Sidewalk with No Side to Walk. Verbal Proxemics of a City Street
2005. 14th IATEFL Poland Conference. International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreing Language Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus University. Toruń, Poland.
The Great Debate – What Teachers Need? What Teachers Lack? Discussion with George Pickering, moderated by Peter Whiley
Sreet Talk – You Get What You Ask For.
2004. XII Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny. Polska w Europie: uwarunkowania i perspektywy. Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne. Poznań, Poland.
Kawa czy herbata
2004. The Semiotic Web. The International Semiotic Institute. Imatra, Finland.
Information Chain: How Technology, Human Factor, and Ideology Influence Acts of Creating, Mediating, and reading of Press Pictorial Signs.
S Stands for Semiotics (or Was It Sexuality?). Semioticians concerns over the definitions of sex and sexuality in New Europe
2001. Religia, reklama, manipulacja polityczna. Kulturowe instrumentarium panowania. Katedra Politologii, Instytut Socjologii, Nicolaus Copernicus University. Toruń, Poland.
Propaganda w zdjęciach prasowych i plakacie
2018 – Present
Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, Science Publishing Group
2016 – Present
Folia Oeconomica, University of Łódź Press
2015 – 2016
2012 – 2014
Journal of Magazine & New Media Research. Magazine Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, USA.
2012 – present
Geography & Tourism. Kazimierz Wielki University.
2005 – present
Biulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series. Nicolaus Copernicus University.
Dłużewska, Anna. Wellbeing Versus Sustainable Tourism – the Host Perspective. 2017
Selected Features of the Sustainable Tourism Development In Nature Rich Areas Supported by Local Communities. 2016
The Impact of Local Communities on the Creation of Ecotourism in Protected Areas. 2016
White, Hayden. Notatki z Berlina [Berlin Notes]. 2015
Gonia, Alicja, Hanna Michniewicz-Ankiersztajn, Anna Dłużewska. Tourism Potential of Counties Located in Kujawsko-pomorskie and Pomorskie Voivodeships in Respect of Waterways Revitalisation. In Scientific Journal of University of Szczecin No. 877. Adam Bechlar (Ed.). pp. 123-141. Szczecin University Press. Szczecin, Poland. ISSN 1640-6818, ISSN 1644-0501. DOI: 10.18276/ept.2015.4.32-10. 2015
Nöth, Winfried. Czas ucieleśniony jako przestrzeń w powieściach graficznych. Studia nad zastosowaniem semiotyki Peirce’a. [Time embodied as space in graphic narratives: A study in applied Peircean semiotics]. Studia Kulturoznawcze, Numer 1 (7) (2015). pp. 165-182. 2015
Łysiak-Seichter, Małgorzata, Malwina Rouba, Edyta Grotek. Autor St. Apollonia in prayers collected by Walther Bruck. Journal of Stomatology. Volume 2014; 67(1): 128–138. 2014
The Importance of the 19th and 20th Century Architecture in Developing Cultural Tourism in Cities. 2012
Michniewicz-Ankiersztajn, Hanna, Alicja Gonia, Monika Kozłowska-Adamczak, Anna Dłużewska. The 19th and 20th Century Architecture Seen as Products of Cultural Tourism in Bydgoszcz and its Surroundings. In M. Kozak, N. Kozak (Eds). 2nd Interdisciplinary Tourism
Research Conference. 24–29 April 2012. Fethiye, Turkey. Proceedings Book. 2012
Roguszka, Zbigniew. Poland’s Copernicus University to foster experimental semiotics research. Interview with dr Tomasz Komendzinski. Semioticon. 2012
Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz. 2010
Centenary of the City Hospital in Torun 1910-2010. 2010
Łysiak-Seichter, Małgorzata. The dentist who deserves the medal – dentists at the Olympic Games. Komisja Historyczna Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Okręgowej Izby Lekarskiej. 2010
Domin , Dominik, Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, Daniela Szymańska. Evaluation of Conditions Concerning the Development of Tourism. Investigation into the Basin of the Parseta River. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series. Volume 11, Issue 11, Pages 75–87, ISSN (Print) 1732-4254, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/v10089-008-0021-7, June 2009
Elżbieta Grzelak-Kostulska, Beata Hołowiecka. Global Inequality of Life Expectancy – Current Problems. Published in Polish Zmiany czasu trwania życia w Polsce na tle Europy. In Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Oeconomica 2009. Vol. 231. pp. 491-512. 2009
Łysiak-Seichter, Małgorzata, Kazimierz Przybyszewski. Figures of physicians from Toruń in the 19 th and 20 th centuries (profiles and biographical sketches). 2009
Przyby, Agnieszka. The Badenisation of the Late Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture Communities Between the Oder and Vistula River Basins in the Light of 14C-Datings. M. Furholt, M. Szmyt, A. Zastawny (Eds.). The Baden Complex and the Outside World. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of the EAA. Cracow, 19-24th September 2006. (Bonn 2008) pp. 189-204. 2006
Szymańska, Daniela, S. Środa-Murawska. The Ageing Process in Germany from 1995 to 2002. In J. Słodczyk, W. Hasiński (Eds.). Problems of the Life Quality of City-Dwellers. Economic and Environmental Studies No. 9. pp. 109-117. University of Opole Press. Opole. 2007
A Brief History of Surgery in Torun. 2005
Kwiatek-Sołtys, Agnieszka. The Role of Small District Towns in Agglomeration System in Poland. Bulleting of Geography (socio-economic series) No. 4/2005. pp. 135-140. Nicholas Copernicus University Press. Toruń. 2005
Maik, Wiesław. The Technical-Economic Changes and the Process of Urbanisation. 2005
Dagmara Mathes-Sobocinska - Curriculum Vitae
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